The attempt to manage and reduce waste as part of responsible production are one of the main points on the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Athi 'Nur Auliati Rahmah (Physics Education Study Program Student), Bian Itsna Ashfa Al Ashfiya (Physics Study Program Student) and Muhammad Rizki (Physics Study Program Student) has successfully presented their innovative concept on tofu factory waste purification and earn 2nd place at UNY Scientific Fair (UNYSEF) 2021. This event organized by the Student Research Activity Unit (UKM-P) UNY. The closing ceremony and the announcement of the winners of the UNY Festival were held online on 29 May 2021 via Zoom.
"We managed to amaze the judges by initiating an innovative concept of tofu factory waste purification with carbon nanodots technology as an environmentally friendly photo catalyst. The liquid waste in our research came from home tofu factory in Krapyak Tofu Industry Center at Seyegan Sleman Yogyakarta. We found out that liquid waste is one of unprocessed material,” Athi 'said.
Athi ' explained that the research developed under the guidance of Sunu Brams Dwandanu, Ph.D as the lecturer of the Department of Physics Education. This research has given important benefit based on the principle of waste, by waste and for waste. At the end, the research hopefully will support tofu waste processing for home-based tofu industry in Krapyak so that it does not pollute the environment.
"The results of this research are expected to be a recommendation for home-based tofu industry in Krapyak and other factories to create an environmentally friendly waste treatment plant in order to create regional sustainability and utilization of local potential," she concluded. (witono, Tj.Lak)