At the Kulon Progo Regency's SDN Tukharjo and SDN Purwoharjo, the Master's Program in Educational Research and Evaluation given community services. On August 2-3, 2022, the UNY team also hosted a training session titled "Writing of High-Level Critical Thinking Problems, Attitudes, and ICT-Based Knowledge with Quiziz." This training was attended by 23 teachers.
"Making Instruments for Elementary School Teachers so That They Can Improve HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) for Elementary Students" is a piece of knowledge that Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si shared. Dr. Risky Setiawan presented the information on "Using Wordwall as a Media in Applying HOTS Questions" at the same time. A web-based application is called Wordwall. By utilizing different Wordwall features, educators can produce educational content such as quizzes, anagrams, word searches, grouping, and word randomization. In order to give engaging quizzes to elementary school students, Mr. Abdul Rahim, M.Pd. provided training using the resource "Use of the Website Quiziz as a Media That Can Be Used in Giving Attractive Quizzes to Elementary School Students."
The distribution of various training materials is in keeping with UNY's support for ongoing enhancements in educational quality. As one of Indonesia's educational cornerstones, elementary school needs to be strengthened. Through this training exercise, it is hoped that elementary school teachers will be able to set up HOTS questions in science classes using Wordwall and Quiziz media in order to raise the HOTS of elementary school students while making them happy. (lal, ant, Tj. Lak)